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Los 26

1941/43, extremely comprehensive collection with many rare items including Guernsey Michel Cat. No. 2aMU as vertical strip of three, Michel Cat. No. 2aU as block of 12 with complete imprint, never hinged, also a cover from "GRANVILLE" to Italy, also Jersey Michel Cat. No. 1yU with right sheet margin and as vertical from from the upper left sheet corner, Michel Cat. No. 1yUl pair with normal stamp, 1yUo block of four with two normal stamps, 1yUmw block of four with sheet margin, Michel Cat. No. 1P horizontal pair, Michel Cat. No. 2P two blocks of four in black on carton paper from the upper left resp. right sheet corner, Michel Cat. No. 3-8 complete sheets including gutter pairs and printing date, many "Epreuves des Luxes", Essays, "Half Size Essay", "Mise en Train" rare printing dates and many more special items, virtually everything is expertized with BPP certificate!Â