369 / STOCKHOLMIA 2019 & ERIVAN Worldwide Rarities

June 1'st 2019 in Stockholm


Lot no.521



Catalogue no.2x

Opening5.000 €
Sold for5.000 €
1856, 10 kopeks carmine-red on wove paper, 2 large margined copies in nice deep shade, cancelled by concentric pen crosses and tied by superb "HELSINGFORS 10 6 1858" to lettersheet via Prussia and France to Cadiz, Spain with frontside red boxed "Prusse" and on reverse arrival mark of June 24. The postage paid the distance to the Spanish border, here an additional "8 Rs." (reales) were charged to the recipient. A filing crease in the lower part of the entire, well off the franking has been cleaned and ironed (mentioned for accuracy only). A most attractive and extremely rare letter to abroad. Opinion Gummesson (1989) and certifcate Schwenson BPP (2018) (Facit 2e)
Lot no.522



Catalogue no.2x

Opening2.000 €
Sold for2.800 €
1856, 10 kopeks light to lilac-carmine, a beautiful fresh and large margined copy with index number "12" at upper right and neatly cancelled by central boxed "WIBORG 2 11 1856", repeated at left, on entire letter to Helsingfors. A very fine and attractive letter with the earliest recorded date of the high boxed Wiborg cancellation. Signed Calves, 2 certificated Gummesson (1980 and 1997), certificate Schwenson BPP (2018) (Facit 2d) Provenance: A. Fabergé (1940), 'Sibelius' (Corinphila 2003)
Lot no.523



Catalogue no.2x

Opening1.000 €
Sold for800 €

1856, 10 kopeks dark carmine on wove paper, a large margined example with central boxed "ABO 7/6 1856" and tied by small index number "3" at upper right, used on entire letter to Lovisa. A small ink erosion does not detract from the overall very fine condition. A very fine item. Certificate Schwenson (2003) (Facit 2c)

Lot no.524



Catalogue no.2y

Opening1.000 €
Sold for750 €

1856, 10 kopeks carmine on wide laid paper, a large margined example with central pen cross and tied by clear boxed "KARIS 17 OCT. 1859" to lettersheet to Reval with frontside arrival mark (Oct 11 according to Julian calendar). A faint horizontal filing crease affecting the stamp at top. Still a fine and rare franking. Certificate Schwenson BPP (2003) (Facit 2v3)

Lot no.525



Catalogue no.4Bx

Opening1.000 €
Sold forUnsold
1860, 10 kopeks carmine on rose, roulette B, horizontal pair, used on envelope from Helsingfors (August 10, 1865) to Upsala, Sweden with Stockholm transit mark (AUG 15) on reverse. The pair with 2 short tooth tips and the cover slightly pressed in the margins only. A very attractive and scarce cover. Certificates Jussi Tuori (2003) and Schwenson BPP (2018) (Facit 4C2a)
Lot no.526



Catalogue no.4Ax

Opening2.000 €
Sold for3.600 €
1860, 10 kopeks rose, roulette A, horizontal strip of 3 in brilliant shade, each value cancelled by pen cross on envelope with departure cds. "WIBORG 8/6 1863" via Stockholm (June 12) to Christiania, Norway with clear red arrival mark on front. A very fine and rare cover, signed Ossa in pencil, certificate Tuori (2003) and Schwenson BPP (2018) (Facit 4C1Kb)
Lot no.527



Catalogue no.6Cx, 9Cx

Opening500 €
Sold for900 €
1866/74, 8 penni black on green, roulette C, slightly separated vertical pair and 2 single stamps with 40 penni rose, roulette C, all in nice fresh colour, used on small envelope with small cds. "HELSINGFORS 8 8 1870" to Lausanne in Switzerland, travelled via St. Petersburg and Prussia with frontside red "AUS RUSSLAND über BUR. XI EDK. BRG. / FRANCO 11 8 70". The 8 penni stamps at top with some short perfs, otherwise fine and fresh. An attractive cover with rare 72 penni rate. Signed Ossa in pencil, certificates Gummesson (1978) and Schwenson BPP (2018) (Facit 6v1C3, 9v1C3)
Lot no.528



Catalogue no.6Bx, 9Bx

Opening800 €
Sold for1.400 €
1866, 8 penni black on green, 2 horizontal pairs with 2 copies 40 penni rose on bluish paper, used with small "FREDERIKSHAMN 19 1 1875" on double rate envelope to Lichtensteig near St. Gallen in Switzerland with arrival mark on reverse (January 23). Very fresh and fine, the 40 penni stamps and one 8 penni with few short/pulled perfs. A scarce combination from a wellknown correspondance. Certificate Schwenson BPP (2003) (Facit 6v4C2, 9v3C2)
Lot no.529


Catalogue no.3yK

Opening1.500 €
Sold for2.600 €
1849, Ceres 20 centimes black on yellowish paper in horizontal tête-bêche pair, nice deep fresh colour and good to large margins, lightly cancelled by grid. A very fine and rare multiple. Signed W. Balasse with opinion (1972) and signed Scheller with certificate (2018) (Yvert 3e)
Lot no.530



Catalogue no.4K

Opening3.000 €
1850, Ceres 25 centimes dark blue, horizontal marginal strip of 4 including tête-bêche pair at left, nice deep and fresh colour and good to mostly large margins, showing about 3 mm sheet margin next to the tête-bêche, tied by clear grid cancels to letterfront with adjacent cds. "SAUXILLANGES 10 AVRIL 51" addressed to Riom. The strip with 3 small scissors' cuts in the two right interspaces and one slightly into the design of the right stamp at bottom right, the tête-bêche pair absolutely flawless. A highly attractive and rare multiple. Signed Miro and certificate Behr (2007)
Lot no.531


Catalogue no.4a

Opening1.000 €
Sold for2.200 €
1850, Ceres 25 centimes blue in block of 9, nice fresh colour and good to mostly wide margins with enormous 16/17 mm sheet margin at left, neatly cancelled by "gros points". Some light natural gum creasing, the upper right stamp with light small diagonal corner crease (not visible from front). An attractive and scarce multiple in fine condition. Signed Calves, opinion Robineau (1968) and signed Scheller with his certificate (2018) (Yvert 4)
Lot no.532



Catalogue no.5a

Opening2.000 €
Sold forUnsold
1850, Ceres 40 centimes orange, 2 horizontal pairs in fresh vivid colour and with good to mostly large margins, fixed in form of a tête-bêche strip on entire letter 1858 from Cognac to London, tied by 'petit chiffre' "898" and red London arrival mark. A marvellous letter in fine condition. Signed Miro and von der Weidt with his certificate (1998) (Yvert 5)
Lot no.533



Catalogue no.6a

Opening4.000 €
Sold for7.500 €
1849, Ceres 1 franc vermillon vif, a beautiful copy in fresh vivid shade and with good to very large margins, showing part of adjoining stamp at lower right, tied by clear grid to small piece. A very attractive copy of this rare stamp in outstanding quality. Signed Calves and A. Diena, also Willy Balasse with his certificate (1972) and P. Scheller with his certificate (2018) (Yvert 7a)
Lot no.534



Catalogue no.6b

Opening4.000 €
Sold for9.500 €

1849, Ceres 1 franc vermillion terne in a very nice vivid shade and with large margins on all sides, cancelled very attractively with 2 parallel strikes of grid cancel. A marvellous copy of this rare stamp in superb condition. Signed A. Diena and Brun and also R. Calves with his certificate (1973) (Yvert 7b)
Provenance: 56. Corinphila auction (1973)

Lot no.535



Catalogue no.12I, 13I, 15

Opening2.000 €
Sold for2.000 €
1853/61, Napoléon III 40 centimes orange, 2 strips of 3, 3 pairs and 3 single stamps with 10 centimes bistre and 20 centimes blue used on front and reverse of lettersheet from Le Havre to Lima, used with multiple strikes of red 'petit chiffres' "1495" with adjacent "BUREAU MARITIME LE HAVRE 31 JUIL 54", 3 stamps on the front additionally tied by bowed "FOREIGN PAID". Most stamps show full to large margins, five 40 centimes values on reverse affected by a light horizontal crease at top, otherwise fine and all together fresh condition and the entire being in its original state. A marvellous franking to South America. Signed Brun and certificate Behr (2007) (Yvert 13, 14, 16)
Lot no.536



Catalogue no.13I

Opening500 €
Sold for500 €
1853/61, Napoléon III 20 centimes type I, lower left sheet corner copy with huge to enormous margins, showing small part of neighbour stamp at top and ca. 7/15 mm sheet margin at left and bottom, tied by superb 'petit chiffres' "1152" to entire letter from Dunkerque (May 4, 1861) to Granville with transit and arrival marks. A fine and rare letter with an absolutely outstanding copy of this stamp. Signed Calves and Enzo Diena with his certificate (1987) (Yvert 14)
Lot no.537


M 6M

Catalogue no.29, 30

Opening1.000 €
Sold for800 €

VICTOR HUGO: Small entire letter with 3 pages of text, franked with Lauré 30 centimes (slightly rounded corner) and 40 centimes, tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS R. ST. DOMQUE. St. GN 58/17 OCT 70" via London to New York with red transit and arrival marks on front. A fine letter with scarce destination. Certificate Brun (2017)

Lot no.538



Catalogue no.31

Opening1.000 €
Sold for1.600 €
GENERAL UHRICH (supposedly): Small entire letter with 3 pages of text, franked with Lauré 80 centimes rose in very fresh and deep shade, tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS R. DE CLERY 14 NOV. 70" and sent to Moscow with adjacent Prussian transit mark "P.D.". A very fine letter. Certificate Brun (2017)
Lot no.539



Catalogue no.34

Opening3.000 €
Sold for3.800 €
LE DUQUESNE (supposed): 'Gazette des Absents no. 21' with text dated January 5 and accompanied by coloured map "ÉDITION-BALLON", which is mentioned in the sender's text, franked with Ceres 20 centimes, tied by star cancel but without dispatch mark, addressed to Flamanville with transit mark "PARIS A CAEN 15 JANV. 71" and arrival mark (JAN 18). A fine and rare ensemble. Certificate Robineau (2004)
Lot no.540



Catalogue no.28, 31

Opening2.000 €
Sold for3.000 €
BOULES DE MOULINS: 1871, folded minature letter franked with Lauré 20 centimes and 80 centimes, neatly cancelled "LA FERTÉ VIDANE 3 JANV. 71", addressed to Paris and endorsed "Par moulins" with adjacent "OR". On reverse nice and clear strike of Paris arrival mark of March 18, 1872. A most attractive and rare letter of one of the early recoveries of a 'Boules de Moulins' after the war. Signed Calves and Brun, certificate Scheller (2018)
Lot no.541



Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold forUnsold
SACS DE RIZ: 1871, Entire small letter from Laferte Vidame (JAN 14, 1871) to Paris, endorsed "par Moulins" with Paris arrival mark (FEB 12, 1971), re-directed to St. Brieuc with arrival mark (FEB 20). Fine and very scarce. Certificate Behr (1997)
Lot no.542



Catalogue no.31+41I

Opening3.000 €
Sold for3.000 €
REPÊCHAGE DE QUILLEBEUF: 1871, Entire letter from Aix-en-Provence (Jan 7, 1871) addressed to a military major with the 2nd army, endorsed "Paris par Moulins" and franked with Lauré 80 centimes and Bordeaux 20 centimes type I, both cut to shape and tied by light GC "41", showing on reverse clear 3 line recovery-cachet "Trouvée dans une boîte échouée sur les bords de la Seine, à Quillebeuf (Eure), le 26 mars 1871." A truly outstanding item of the 'Boules de Moulins'. Certificate Behr (2004)
Lot no.543



Catalogue no.

Opening800 €
Sold for800 €

1871, "Auf militairischen Befehl geoeffnet", small blue double-lined censor mark, both types, one on reverse of small envelope from Chambery (DEC 29, 1870) to Straßburg, the other one on reverse of folded letter from Olten, Switzerland (JAN 20, 1871) to Mulhouse. Both entires unfranked and charged with "30" resp. "50" centimes. A rare pair.

Lot no.544



Catalogue no.230-31

Opening3.000 €
Sold for4.200 €
1828, 'Ille de France' 10 Fr. on 90 centimes and 10 Fr. on 1,50 francs, each with similar additional franking on 2 registered envelopes to Martel, France; the stamps tied by octogonal "NEW-YORK AU HAVRE 23-8-28" with adjacent special cachets in black and violet. A fine and attractive pair. Each signed Scheller with his certificates
Lot no.545



Catalogue no.

Opening3.000 €
Sold for9.000 €
1852, Entire letter docketed on front "Basse pointe 25 Juillet 1852", franked with Ceres 10 centimes bistre and 25 centimes blue, mailed from "ST. PIERRE (MARTINIQUE...)" and addressed to France, endorsed "Voie de Commerce". The stamps according to regulation cancelled at arrival with losange "PC2" of the railway Calais-Paris with adjacent date stamp of August 18, 1852. Although the letter was correctly franked for transportation with French commercial ship, the letter was taxed and boxed "Affranchisement insuffisante" applied. The stamps with minimal creasing at top. A very fine and most attractive letter of great rarity. Signed Calves and Scheller with his certificate (2018) This letter originates from the experimental period between October 1851 and December 1853 in which the French government supplied four of it's colonies with French stamps. There were just 2 rates existing: 35 centimes for transportation by French commercial ships and 1,50 francs for transportation by English ships. For this reason only stamps of denomination 10 centimes, 25 centimes and 1 franc were delivered to these colonies.
Lot no.546



Catalogue no.8

Opening3.000 €
Sold for6.500 €
1859, 8 bajocchi black on rose, nice fresh and intense colour and good to very large margins, showing dividing lines on 3 sides and part of neighbour stamp at left, tied by light and clear grid to entire letter from Faenza (Oct 11, 1859) to Edolo. A most attractive single franking of this rare stamp in flawless condition. Signed Alberto and Guilio Bolaffi, Alberto Diena and Enzo Diena with his certificate (1991) Provenance: 'Collezione Pedemonte' (Bolaffi 1991)
Lot no.547



Catalogue no.7x

Opening10.000 €
Sold for12.000 €
1851, 6 grazie blue on bluish in intense deep shade and with good even margins on all sides, tied by beautiful clear strike of Austrian military cancel "FELDPOST Nr.2 26/11" to lettersheet with adjacent date stamp "FIRENZE 26 NOV. 1855", endorsed "mit Feldpost" and sent to Szemere in Hungary with transit marks of Waizen, Gran-Nana and Ipolysag on reverse. An extremely fine and attractive letter and one of the great rarities of Italian and Austrian postal history. Signed in pencil Ferchenbauer and Colla Asinelli with both their certificates Provenance: Dr. Anton Jerger (Corinphila 2005)
Lot no.548



Catalogue no.12A, P2

Opening1.000 €
Sold for3.600 €
1882/98, 3 aurar brownish orange, 4th printing 1891, perf. 14:13½, used on postal stationery card 8 aurar violet, tied by cds. "AKUREYRI 5/6" (1892) and adressed to Shanghai, China, with Hongkong arrival mark (September 20, 1892) and short greetings text. A very fine and rare card to abroad with most unusual destination. According to certificate of C.A. Møller BPP (2018) just one further card to China has been recorded (from the same correspondance).
Lot no.549



Catalogue no.2c

Opening500 €
Sold for3.200 €
1852, William III 1 silbergroschen brownish-red (1853) in vertical strip of 3 with nice fresh colour and ample to large margins, tied by circle of 9 bars to small entire letter with adjacent red "LUXEMBOURG 16 DEC." to Rüdesheim in the Duchy of Nassau with transit and arrival marks. A fine and scarce letter. Certificate Demuth BPP (1981) Provenance: Issac Seligson (Corinphila 1982)
Lot no.550



Catalogue no.1

Opening2.000 €
Sold for10.000 €
1855, Coat of arms 4 skilling blue, a magnificant lower right corner copy in fresh colour and with large margins including 8/8,5 mm sheet margins at right and bottom, used with clear circle of 11 bars on lettersheet with adjacent clear blue "BERGEN 5/3 1855" Trondheim. A beautiful and superb entire. Signed F.C. Moldenhauer in pencil with his certificate (1990) Provenance: 113. Auction E. Mohrmann (1963)
Lot no.551



Catalogue no.1

Opening8.000 €
Sold for16.000 €
1855, Coat of arms 4 skilling blue, a marvellous horizontal strip of 6 with ample to mostly wide margins and in nice fresh colour, position D31-36, showing re-engraved corner on position 34, neatly cancelled and tied by circle of 12 bars to small envelope of the wellknown correspondance to "Fräulein Amalie Svensen, Leipzig" with frontside blue dispatch mark "BERGEN 6/7 1855" and adjacent boxed "Aus Dänemark". On reverse transit marks of Hamburg and arrival mark of July 11. Extremely fine and flawless condition. An outstanding first issue cover. Signed Herman Toaspern and Finn Aune with his certificate (2008) Provenance: Bernt J. Fossum (2004)
Lot no.552



Catalogue no.2, 5

Opening800 €
Sold for1.000 €
1856/57, Oskar 2 skilling orange-yellow and 8 skilling carmine in horizontal strip of 4, used with clear numerals "25" on small envelope from Bergen (Jul 20, 1858) to Paris via Hamburg and Thurn and Taxis post, correctly franked with 34 skilling. A fine and most attractive cover (some minor creasing in the envelope smoothed down). Certificate Enger BPP (2018)
Lot no.553



Catalogue no.2, 5

Opening800 €
Sold for3.000 €
1856/57, Oskar 2 skilling orange-yellow and 8 skilling carmine in horizontal pair, used with numeral "25" on cover from Bergen (Sep 3, 1857) with full contents to Mecklenburg-Schwerin. The letter is fully paid; the original endorsement "franco Hamburg" was changed in "franco". The franking slightly afixed over the top edge of the cover, but except of 2 shortish perfs of the right 8 skilling in fine condition. The earliest of just 4 recorded entires with the 18 skilling rate to Mecklenburg. Certificate Enger BPP (2018)
Lot no.554



Catalogue no.2, 4, 5

Opening500 €
Sold for1.300 €
1856/57, Oskar 2 skilling orange-yellow, 4 skilling blue and 8 skilling carmine in horizontal strip of 3, all used with clear cds. "DRAMMEN 7 5 1860" on lettersheet via Hamburg to Purmerend, Holland with arrival mark of May 11. A most appealing entire in very fine condition. Certificate Enger BPP (2018)
Lot no.555



Catalogue no.3+8, 9

Opening800 €
Sold for1.000 €
1856/57, Oskar 3 skilling grey-violet in combination with 1863/67, coat of arms 4 skilling blue and horizontal pair 8 skilling rose, tied by cds. "RIISØER 18 8 1865" to lettersheet with transit marks "SANDØSUND 19 8 1865" and "NORWÈGE AMB. ERQUELINES" to Amiens, France. The 3 skilling stamps few short perf tips, otherwise very fine and fresh. Just 4 entires recorded with this franking. Certificate Enger BPP (2018)
Lot no.556



Catalogue no.41

Opening500 €
Sold for4.000 €
1876, Double rate envelope with partly preprinted address "Do Servico de S.M. Fidelissima Ao Consulado de Portugal" to Amoy, China, franked with 2 copies 1870/76, 100 r. lilac, tied by barred oval "1" with adjacent cds. "LISBOA 8/3 1976", endorsed in red crayon "v Brindisi" and sent via Singapore to Hongkong, on reverse "HONG-KONG MARINE SORTER SINGPORE TO HONG-KONG AP 17/24 76", in Hongkong by mistake opened by the Portuguese consul, who added 2 notations on reverse to the effect that he had opened the cover in error and stating their was no Portuguese consul in Amoy, afterwards forwarded to Amoy, showing on reverse rare marine sorter "HONGKONG TO SHANGHAE AP 2 ../ 29 76". A remarkable and very scarce letter to China. Certificate Holcombe (1995)
